SPM Simplex Project Manager
SPM is a new generation project development tool of Enmos that used for project designing of Simplex computer serials. With SPM you can create available project for machines with graphical user interface and you can test your project by monitoring module. You can edit manually usage and security measures by dynamic nature of parameters. It helps you to develop appropriate solutions by dynamic input-output structure of commands and to present optional solutions.
General Features
- Command, Editing System Parameters
- Preparation of machine and manuel parameters
- Preparation of manuel operation screen
- Determining commands of operation machine
- Screen for project testing
- Changing commands of input-output connections
- Receiving indirect project report
- Connectivity of parameters to PPL’s
- Developing quick project with template projects
- Multi language support
IO Definition
Screens, PPL ‘s, Equipments, Command Definitions etc. on screens and IO’s names can be determined.
Monitoring Screen Definition
You can adjust the picture to be shown on the device screen and io value. Device screens background image can be determined as 6 screen or 3 different mimic diagram. And io names and current values can be shown at screens predetermined points.
Equipment Definition
This is a section for equipments of the machine associated with io’s. Tower that belongs to machine, pump, drum, fan etc. equipments that controlled by io’s can be set from this section.
Command Definition
Commands used at devices can be determined at this section. Also portability of these commands, pump shut-off feature etc. specific command settings can be done from this screen.
Command Customizing
Commands can be customized according to machine at this section. Required IO commands can be determined in this section. Moreover, unenviable commands that running at the same time can be set in this section.
Device, machine or specific commands can be set. If desired it can be used while describing PPL. Also parameters can be used for any purpose. Each parameter has a different purpose. Manuel parameters can be used by only project person for specific purposes at PPL.
PPL Definition
If conditions are in place PPL’s can determine the project. Project could change IO’s value or begin a command. It can oftes use for security purposes. It allows logic control possibilty on device. Customer specific requests can be covered by PPL.